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CATEGORY-: Story Time
[Story] Even The Rich Also Cry (Episode 21)
Posted Byverified On  September 26th, 2021 Story Time 0 1130 Views
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Even The Rich Also Cry

When Doyin was sure that Egbe was in good hands and responding to treatment, he went to the room, where Florence had been placed. She was still sleeping when he got there. He was worried.
She had exhibited a sort of mania earlier on; what if she, in the midst of the mania, revealed that he had been the one who gave her an idea of the substance to use for the food poisoning? She might end up in a hospital for the mentally ill, while he will lose his license and spend time behind bars for aiding and abetting crime. He pondered on all these as he stared at her; “I was a fool to get tangled up in your business. You are a very sick woman. I wonder what made you like this. What happened to you, Mrs. Florence Olayinka?” he thought to himself.
Major Festus: “how is she?” he asked from the doorway where he stood.

Doyin turned sharply on hearing the voice, his heart almost giving out; great was his shock. He breathed deeply and gazed at the major. He still held his injured arm stiffly to his side.

Doyin: “she is still sedated. When she wakes up, we will know.” He replied softly then he turned and walked to the door.

Major Festus: “have we met somewhere before? You look familiar to me but I can’t place where we had met before.” he suddenly said, his eyes watching Doyin intently.

Doyin: “I am very good with faces; if we had met before I will know.” He replied, standing in front of Major Festus.

Major Festus: “I don’t trust you. I don’t know what is going on between you and Florence, but if I find that you are involved in the disappearance of my son, there will be hell to pay.” He said then he turned and left.

Doyin heaved a sigh of relief then he turned to look at the sleeping form of Florence and shook his head. He left the room immediately.
Benita was half asleep when someone opened the hospital room door and entered. She stood up on seeing the weary and sad looking man enter the room and walk to her sister’s bed. She had arrived in Lagos that evening. Someone had sent money for her to take a flight down. She had been excited on entering the plane; that had been her first time of entering a plane.

She watched the man, who had forcefully taken her sister’s baby, gaze at her sister’s sleeping form with so much fear and concern.

Major Festus: “so it is true; she is truly Desmond’s mother?” He said softly, his eyes still on Egbe.

Benita: “yes she is.” She replied in a whisper.
Major Festus: “when she awakens, tell her that I am going to find Desmond and when I do, I will return him back to her. It was a mistake to take him in the first place.” He said.

Benita said nothing; she just stared at Major Festus as he rubbed his knuckles along Egbe’s chin. He sighed sadly, turned and left the room as quietly as he had entered.

Some few minutes later, another man entered. Doyin entered the room and stopped on seeing her. He smiled at her and came into the room;

Doyin: “you are her younger sister?” he asked.

Benita: “yes sir.” She replied.

Doyin nodded then he walked close to the bed and gazed on Egbe.

Doyin: “your sister is beautiful.” He said, his eyes roaming over her. “Did the doctor in charge of her, say anything?” he asked, turning to Benita.

Benita: “yes, he said that she needs to rest. They were able to give her something that countered the poison. Who are you sir?” she asked.

Doyin: “I am a doctor and a friend. My name is doctor Doyin. You can call me Doyin.” He replied.

A loud noise reached Benita’s ears. it was as if some persons were fighting in the hospital. Her eyes widened in fear and she rushed to the door and opened it a bit. She doctors and nurses running past her door, towards another part of the hospital. She turned back to look at Doyin. He stood, looking down on Egbe as if he could not hear the loud noise outside the door.
Benita: “it seems something is happening outside o. are you not a doctor?” she asked, suddenly irritated by his attitude.

Doyin raised his head and listened then he turned sharply and walked to the door. He peered outside then he turned to Benita

Doyin: “she must have escaped. If your sister wakes before I return, tell her that I came and that I care for her. there is something I need to do.” He said then he walked away.

Benita looked at the empty door for a minute then she turned back to her sister’s bed. “Sister wetin you give these men chop? I no understand.” She thought to herself then she shrugged.
Florence’s head felt like a blacksmith was working inside it. Her head thudded with every step she took. Her hair was a scattered mess and her clothes rumpled. She had no shoes on. She had left her room through her room window, her feet was wet with dew and grass. She barely felt the evening chill as she ran across the lawn, then crossed the drive way heading to where cars were parked.

She had woken up suddenly to find herself on the bed in the hospital. She could not remember how she got there. She must have drunk lot of liquor earlier. As she clambered into her car, she wondered about the fate of Egbe. She shrugged as she entered her car and zoomed out of the hospital car park. She knew where she was headed. She had found a note on her bedside that told her where to go. The note had also told her that what she had always prayed for will be given to her at the place she was headed to. She did not know or had written it neither did she care. The time had come for her to be set free and she intended to see it come to pass, no matter what. Her mind didn’t go to the fact that she was actually wanted for attempted murder or that the police will be looking for her real soon.
Desmond stared fearfully into the darkness of the room. His eyes shone like small torches in the night. His lips were covered with a cloth so he could not speak out and his hands were tied behind his back. The room he was in was a small room with a mattress and a chair in it. There was a small window but it was high up and opened half way. It was too dusty to see through, so Desmond had not been able to get an idea of where he was. Every little sound got his head turning from left to right, in fright. He did not know for how long he had been there.
He was hungry and his body itched. The mattress on the floor was dirty and old. Something seemed to bite him anytime he laid on it. He had cried at first when he came but he had stopped when he thought about what Batman would do in his place; “batman would not be crying. He will be looking for how to free himself and his friends and destroy the bad guys. I will not cry anymore.” he had thought to himself then he had stopped crying. “Daddy will come for me, I know. Then we will destroy the bad guys together.” He sniffed; “I miss my daddy and Aunty Martha.” He started crying again. Then he suddenly stopped. He could hear the sound of a car driving into the compound. He started shaking in fright.

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